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Tomás Colón
Jan 15, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
Getting married is quite easy in my opinion. The true task is understanding that LOVE is a living breathing thing that must be tended to and cared for every single day; staying married is the true test. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. Live, Love, and Laugh as if all you had was today....
-A Poem for my Wife-
Falling (every time like our first)
After every time,
I envisioned two
wondrous comets
having chased
one another
through the heavens
for an eternity
finally finding
the same space as
they begin to
spiral around
each other as
They come
together as one
brilliant flash of
blinding bright amber
breaking through
the earths atmosphere
in unison finally
breathing precious air
for the first time
together in the
dark indigo
night's sky,
We make Love...
Tomás Colón
Jan 15, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
Black Officer:
Here you stand before me
Clothed in
the darkest white this world
Has ever known.
Robbed of your innocence
Conditioned to hate the
Color of skin yet,
If called upon to come to
Your aide,
I would do so hoping that
My kindness would
Exemplify a love that
Transcends small differences
Such as the color of our skin.
I've placed my hand upon
This shield,
Though too young to understand I,
Know that this barrier
Between you and I has
Become tangible
I wasn't born to hate you but
I hear repeatedly about how
White is pure and good and
You are not white
I'm told that
I, by nature, am superior
Why is the world
Presented to me
Rich in hateful ideologies that
Keep us from
Removing this barrier
Allowing love to prevail
I do not know what
Hate is but,
I'm told that I
Should hate you...
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
That memory remains- smell of Three Kings incense dances harmoniously with the rich scent of a hand rolled cigar, Florida Water, and Bay Rum. Things go bump in the night yet, you felt so calm, so familiar. An energy born of love and compassion; a spirit whose righteousness served as a guide to my grandmother's gentle hand at the white table. More than a medium, Many claimed She was an angel of mercy- A taker of pain A giver of hope...
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
Learn to dream with your eyes wide open; the path is much more lucid when you figure out that you can keep moving forward even through the darkest of shadows.
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
Love is having the courage to hold hands and face rough seas together knowing that the storm will be but brief. Hold on to one another; the journey is much sweeter when you have someone to contemplate the sunset with.
(an acrostic)
Frequently I think
Of your scent.
Remembering how sweet
Evenings always ended;
Vexed at having lost you-
Echoes of your voice
Run rampant in my thoughts...
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
"All that is me is quite clear
That I stand in the path which
I carved with trembling hands
Laying stone after stone so that
My children could simply walk
Uninterrupted and serene
To reach their every single dream..."
Tomas J
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
An image so symbolic-
A beacon of freedom to
All those who from afar
Have come to terms with
How beautiful and noble
It would be to
Willingly feel the
Warmth of their
Boiling blood as it spills
And fills the
Streets with a crimson sea
To die while raising a fist
Shouting out against oppression
Standing against injustice
All the while
Dreaming of freedom
Some meet their fate
With a passion in their core
A flame that burns
Into the night
Like lady liberty's torch
While some lay in those
Endless crimson street seas
Others through their sacrifices
Quietly flee under the
Cover of night's
Star spangled skies
With dry lips and tired feet
Their hopes kept warm by
Dreams of that undying flame
North-star of immigrants
Torch of lady liberty
Fuels their will to endure
An age old vision
Drawing them in
To walk the paths of
Purple mountains majesty
Only to end their journey
Listening to a
Symphony of insults
Working forty eight
Hours a day
Fourteen days a week
A dream deceased
Fear of being cast out
Justifies their willing
Societal disappearance as
They now walk silently
Amongst the invisible
Afraid of even asking
For a helping hand
Illnesses of those
Young and old alike
Go untreated as
Acceptance of inhumanity
Becomes a singular reality
So now what of that torch
They ask themselves
Today its flame seems
A mere spark in comparison to
The wildfire burning within
The citizens, the bureaucrats, and
The politicians whom
So conveniently forgot
They too come from
A long line of immigrants
Who arrived here with the
Very same hopes and dreams
Yet they are only spoken of
When wolves in suits
Put on their brightest of smiles and
With false promises
Of immigration reform
Gather that much needed
Latino vote
Which strengthens their campaigns
Earning them a position
Of privilege
They sit behind
Solid cherry oak desks
Leaving the immigrant
On a never ending campaign
Of tending to the fields
Laying tile, repairing roofs,
Landscaping the lawn, and
Washing the windows of
High rise buildings
Suspended, peering in
From the outside
Looking into the
offices whom
Provide those very
Goods and services
That will never
Be of any benefit
To the invisible families
Those souls run out of time
Overworked and underpaid
Marginalized and demoralized
They die silently
Looking beyond the pasture
Still believing the flame of
Lady liberty's torch
Would remember them
As it did others who
Dared risk it all
For a dream.......
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
Mom’s Bustelo espresso fills the morning air
No hat- it’s Sunday; have to comb my hair
Last week I prayed God would help me shake this thing today we call depression
Nothing ever really worked, not even sitting through confession
Through the rectory I enter old St. Michael’s church
Amongst the dancing flames and Saints my soul resumes its search
While getting into the altar boy garb, I looked around this place
I hoped that one day I would be righteous enough to be worthy of his grace
Last Wednesday I called a kid an asshole, my salvation might just be in peril
Nervousness set in, with a gentle smile, there he stood- Father Fitzgerald
All my hurt would subside if one day I could walk through that pearly gate
I just knew that everyone in St. Michael’s shared that same blissful fate
While the ladies in the back row poked fun at all the other ladies like they always do,
Father Fitzgerald raised both his hands, smiled, and said “Peace be with you…”
Tomás Colón
Jan 09, 2018
In Share a poem with us today?
This journey called life-
It breaks the human spirit.
My only comfort rests in
Knowing that
Although I walk this path alone,
My soul has evolved.
My heart understood that
Love, true love
knows no limitations."

Tomás Colón
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