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Journal Prompts for Writers

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Full respect to reach the (neverending) end. You're either dam committed or you need to be.

To either which one. I give love and respect..

Come and get high, only the best time to inject

Your body, your temple, your vessel, your ship.

Revel Martin
Revel Martin
30 Apr 2023

I saw no title for this piece. And if I was to give it one, it will be the brothel. An interlude and she is not committing. It's a service, and that is all to it.

Happy Women's Month.

One of the most fundamental issues that still need attention, especially in third-world countries is education for women as an empowering tool to uplift themselves.

There are still voices of dissent and people who scoff at women who rise in their ranks and claim their places as leaders of an industry, or masters of their chosen profession.

Here I would like to share a little bit about Education in Women in

Shobana's Musings, a Weekly Newsletter I just started with the hope of interacting more with my readers and the everyday people out there. (

I have incorporated a spotlight on my daughter who has just completed her Master's in LLB. A proud moment for us indeed.


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