I am ten years old, and walking home,I feel afraid, they will say what they have been, I have been dealing with this all alone, as the other boys and girls who won't be my friend.
They make fun of me because I am different, I didn't think any of us were the same. But to them, I must stand out, I feel I am the one to blame.
Just because I don't think like them, doesn't make me any less, I wonder where the problem lies, Is it my hair or the way I dress?
I used to love going to school, but now I feel ashamed to. There must be something I am doing wrong, They are bullies I must get through.
My parents say this will pass, they have even talked to the school. The principle assured them, They have a no tolerance rule.
I know one day things will be better, The final truth will be known. its our differences that make us the same, In their hearts it will be shown.