I have a never ending fire
that lives in my heart
it doesn't take take much
to cause a spark
I can stretch a idea
like the last few dollars
until pay day comes
sleep plays the role of sacrificial lamb
how can I rest when my mind is at war
its been going on for 20 years and counting
I see no end in sight
this is Iike my own version
of the" Hundred Years War "
I never have yielded a gun
my pen is my weapon
if I aim it right maybe one night
I'll get to be on stage being awarded
the pulitzer prize
I might come after
the Nobel peace prize next
I believe peace is the greatest gift
we can be given
writing gives me peace
these writing pieces make up
the puzzle pieces of my soul
long after I depart
my words will still be here
for all to view and pick apart
This is really good!
Garrick this is a powerfully inspiring for a retired new to the creative writing and poetry world.