I don’t find joy in anything anymore
And I don’t know how to change
I want to be alone but I want to be loved
But I know I’ll probably never find it
I compare men to a man that doesn’t know I exist
So I push them all away
I wish so deeply that we meet and that he wants me too
Cause I don’t see him the way most might think
He’s human just like me, but he’s got all the choices in the world
And I know I’ll never be the chosen one
I want to make him happy
I want to show him I’m true
About all the feelings I have for him
That money means nothing to me when it comes to him
Cause he alone is more than enough
But I’ll never be enough for him
Because I don’t know how to love even if that’s all I want to be for him
Models with beauty or anyone else that’s not me
He would choose instead of seeing me as the one God made for him
And as much as I pray to God that he was the one made for me
I just know I’ll never find love
He’s an angel to me who I want to save me
But I am nothing to him
I am just another fan even when that’s not what I want to be
I can’t explain how he makes me feel
Even with the knowledge that he doesn’t know me and never will
I break my own heart every time I think of him
So I just give up trying
I’d give up everything for him but I won’t get the chance
If I die, I want him to know I held on as long as I did only for him
I truly love him even if he doesn’t know me
And I don’t fucking care what anyone will think.