voices hush, eyes dart away,
you’re changing the topic
didn’t you hear me say?
it shouldn’t be taboo,
draw it to the light,
let these children radiate and they’ll show you what it’s like,
Certainly there are moments when the world seems bleak,
that glorious hope they’re holding onto didn’t make an appearance this week,
These four polished walls morphe into metal bars,
the undertone of bleach in the air reminds them where they are,
but even in the darkest of times,
the swallowed word must be said,
this courage within such small hearts,
i urge you to focus on that instead,
battle after battle, it’s constant everyday,
but look into their eyes, the flame of strength burns away,
laughter bounces off the walls,
a smile is hardly rare,
these wonderful heroes strength is always resilient, always there
so next time this uncomfortable word is said,
engage yourself,
try to learn instead,
think of what you can do to help,
a friend is worth more than the highest of wealth,
carry these fighters within your heart, soul and mind,
they hold qualities admirable to all of mankind,
It’s a well known fact this disease is truly awful,
it’s power however is limited, confined to a statistic,
you see no matter what it will never truly have won,
cancer doesn’t realise,
it cannot extinguish love.