The Scholar I am July 19 ‘14
It is an echo
An echo that constantly repeats
One that speaks not of happy things
But One that squeals so loud my soul feels the ring
"Failure" it shouts "Failure" it screams
The freedom from it my brain it dreams
Something so simple it seems
But its something no one can redeem
Waiting for a change
Waiting for the dream
To only be knocked back down to the ground it seems
Pain shooting through my brain like powder shooting from a gun
Running from memories of all the wrong i've done
Running from the thought trying to reach the light of the sun
Only to see that i am hindered by the shot of the gun
Viewing nothing but darkness wherever i go, wish it would go and let me be
Waiting to see the light as my signal to set free
But now is the time i must reap what i sow
Oh but did i sow too deep
Only time can tell
But til then i guess i must live in a place similar to a living Hell
Waiting for time to fast forward i also want it to rewind
Maybe it will give me a chance to change the wrong that i thought was fine
But i guess you can’t go back and change time
Time will continue and so will life
But until my reap is done
My brain will continue shouting the word it has already begun
“Failure”, a failure you are
Sorry Brain but i can't continue to allow you drive me this far
Today i will be the Scholar and the warrior I am
Today i am the scholar,
Because The Scholar I Am