Can I tell you about my favorite teacher?
More than mom and dad or any preacher. Now ladies this ain't misogyny,
Known the educator since I was 3.
Her guidance has been heaven sent,
Rest assured, no "Accident”
You have your diploma? that's cute. But for me there is no substitute. Painfully honest, but never fake, The lessons I've learned from Ms Take. It's true she sounds like a deceiver, I'll attempt to make you a believer. For every session she's taught me, Helped consecrate my empathy.
Stumbling out of fancy bars. Mis-trusting friends or crashing cars, Not saying "No". Failing a class. Rushing just to bust my ass. Neglecting my love, or telling lies, Hiding my feelings, smile disguise. Waking in a stranger's bed, Not thinking I was wrong for what I said. Starting and then dropping out, Because, I knew what life was all about! Seeing a mirror thinking "I'm all that." Eating too much sugar, salt and fat. No condolences when wife was a Rick, wreck. No "Alt-F7" to run spell check, I've burnt myself, and others too. Even tried my foot in the other shoe. She is such a disastrous flirt. Each lesson smarts. They really hurt. My tutor always seems to be bent, On spending my last single cent. I think this is the final, just a mid term, To retest things I should have learned. The biggest part of my frustration, When Miss Take fucks me, is it masturbation? I am still alive, here I stand. What's the next lesson she’s planned. If you listened, I hope you agree, By now I have earned my degree.
After all the things that Ms Take took,
I kept my positive outlook. Now I am older, wiser, grey-er, I never claimed to be a player. But to the top is where I still aim. Got the best instructor of life's game. Without her where would I be now? Maybe less wrinkled above my brow? Tears and scars prove that I'm livin'. But, can I ever be forgiven?
Thank you. Life changes has brought my poet back from the dead. I am so happy that I discovered this community on Twitter. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give to all writers.
This is a wonderful read, Clinton! Awesome theme and we enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing with us!
Thank you very much.
What a great write, made me smile reading it.