Worst Year Ever
Jake Cosmos Aller
Table of Content
Worst Year Ever
New Years Visit to the Oregon Coast *
Indian Casinos *
Casino thoughts *
Fake Calls
Waking Up to Love
What am I DNA Results *
Worst Year Ever
2017 How Much I despise You
Following 2016 the second worst year ever
Will 2018 be any better ?
And what we have suffered
The darkness settles on the land
Like a curse on the land
As our mad demented senile dotard king wannabe
Struts about the worlds stage
Ushering Americas inevitable decline
As America’s foes and friends wonder
Has America gone mad
Turing over ultimate power to this man
A con man narcistic criminal
Self proclaimed smartest man in the room
In reality a clueless reality TV hustler
Whose sell by date has expired
As he tries to make America great again
For white Christian men
The rest of the country struggles
To cope with the ever declining standard of living
The 1 percent loved the stock market
Love the dismantling of the regulatory state
The corporate tax cuts
and the coming plunder of the land
Can Disney Yellowstone be the future?
While the rest of the world
Embraces the energy of the future
And this great denier of the truth
Wants to boldly take America back
To the 19th century era of oil, and coal
Yet perhaps it does not matter in the end
As long as we have one another
The darkness will come
But it will go away someday soon
The great American nightmare will be over
This is what I pray for 2018
The end of the darkness
that consumes our land
As I walk along the Oregon Coast
I am filled with such dismal thoughts
I see the waves come and go
And the world continues on its journey
And think back on the year that was
The best and worst year of my life
In many ways it was a banner year
For me and my family
Settled into retirement
Finally fixing up our properties
Sorting out our retirement options
Getting going on my writing
And growing ever closer
To my one and only soul mate
Yet I can not be content
As I see the gathering storm clouds
On the horizon
As I fear the end of the American Republic
As the fascists cheer on their champion
Our great leader the man in orange
As he sinks into senility
And the US becomes a second rate power
I remain afraid
That soon they will come after me
For writing intemperate thoughts
For starting a blog in these dark and dangerous times
For joining the resistance in my heart
And so with these dark thoughts
I walk back to the hotel
And see my wife there
And the darkness lifts
And I realize it will all be okay
As long as I have her by my side
The darkness lifts once again
And I look forward to the coming year
Filled with love and grace
And hope that the national darkness
Does not consume my soul
A New Year’s Visit to the Oregon Coast
Published in Former People
The end of the year
We drove to Bookings on the Oregon Coast
We had a pleasant drive through the mystic fog shrouded Redwoods.
The gathering gloom of the dark woods foretold my dismal mood
Slept soundly to the sound of the ocean.
The super moon light filled
the beach outside our window
with an eerie light all night long.
As we slept people walked the beach
Enjoying the full moon
And the unusually warm weather
Setting off fireworks at midnight
In the morning I went for a nice walk along the beach
and thought about the year that was.
As the waves pounded the shore
I was filled with calmness
Enjoying the morning calm
And the unusual warm weather
Thinking that the storm is coming
That perhaps we are in the end of our days
With the political storms threatening us all
Yet the ocean reminded me
This too will pass
And we will endure
Until the end of our time
On earth
The ocean waves soothed my soul
And I prepared to drive back through the mystic redwoods
Back to my home
And the peaceful ocean waves
Reminded me
the end of my life
Comes closer to my door
Indian Casino Thoughts
Published in Former People
Indian casinos seem to be everywhere
I have stopped off here and there
In rural enclaves across the land
The Indian casinos run by the mob
For the benefit of the tribes
The Indian’s revenge on the White man
For stealing their land
Is to steal their money
One gamble at a time
And make them pay
For the crimes they committed
Almost always have a welcome mat
To teach the ignorant visitor
Something about their lost culture
With words in the native languages
Words that would be illegal to have spoken
Not so long ago
As the genocide against the tribes
Was in full force
Nowhere worse than in Oregon
And northern California
Along the foggy coastal lands
Where the final solution
Almost worked
The survivors
Such as they are
Operate dismal dark depressing casinos
Here and there in the rural countryside
Along the coast
And in the hinterlands here and there
Most barely making any money
There are so many gambling joints
Across the land
And the Indians are being screwed
Out of their gambling riches
By the big gaming consortiums
That run the casinos
In the reservations
And across the land
And I wonder
Just how much money
Have these Indian casinos
Stolen from the elderly pensioners
And other fools that flock to their premises
Their neighbors in these small towns
Where the Indian casino is the only joint open
For business
Casino Thoughts
Published in Former People
Sitting in a casino of the damned
Somewhere on the Las Vegas Strip
Playing the slots
Watching the crowd go wild
Watching the machines watching me
Drinking the free drinks of the damned
20 drinks too sober
And the gamblers on the gaming tables
Gambling away their fortune
Throwing money away
In hopes of the payoff
That somehow never comes
The pure decadent spectacle
The fake this and fake that
Phony this phony that
False New York
Paris in Vegas
Venetian canals, Roman forum
MGM Grand Lions
All fake, all phony
All deliciously decadent
The noise
The scantily clad waitresses
The men ogling the women
The women ogling back at them
The scent of wild decadence
Bad craziness in the air
The music – the lounge music from hell
The constant sound
Of money exchanging hands
It all overwhelms me
And I must sit down
And drink my reality drink
Drink it down and dirty
As I continue
To feed the hungry, greedy machines
Made in a workshop in hell
No doubt with child or slave labor
Imported from the third world
All my money
Is sucked into it
These machines from hell
The beast from revelation appears
Stands revealed in his hideous glorious beauty
Conducting this mad scene
And I am consumed by the greed
And the frenzy takes over me
All I want
All I need
All I desire
Is one more chance
One more shot
I scream
At the utterly unfeeling monsters
That ate my money
And chewed up my soul
And I know
The worst drug of all
Is the gambling fever
The gold bugs
I would sell my soul
If I had one left
For a chance
At the jack pot of life
Instead I am reduced
To a pathetic broken down looser
Watching the world and Elvis
Pass him by
Viva Las Vegas
Imperial God of the American Dream
Bitch Goddess of the American Nightmare
Fake Calls
Every day I get woken up
As the sun comes up
By my phone ringing
With a fake call
It seems that the only people
Who ever bother to call me
Are the fake call people
Who all call me
With fake sincerity
Offering me a great deal
On this and that scam
I curse at them
Yell at them
Mutter obscenities in foreign tongues
And block their calls
Yet it does not seem to matter
The next call will be
Yet another fake call
Am I doomed to receive
Fake calls until I day I die
I turn on my computer
And read my fake news accounts
And watch TV for the latest fake news
And the politicians lying
And the criminals scheming
To take my money
The Zappa song comes to mind
You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don't need you Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold
That's right, folks . . . Don't touch that dial
And I scream to the universe
Just leave me alone
Then the phone rings…..
Waking Up to Love
Night time
0 dark hundred hours
Wild things come out to play
As they take over my dreams
And my nightmares
Day after day
Torturing me with dark thoughts
The sun comes up
I see the love of my life
She smiles at me
And the darkness
The dark nightmares
Disappear into thin air
The power of love
What Am I DNA Fortune Cookies Prose Poem Version
I just finished two rounds of DNA testing
The results were shocking and unreal
They revealed much of what I knew
And left gapping holes in my past life
The one thing that I know for sure
Is that I am 100 percent American
100 percent Californian
100 percent Berkeley
Yes I am Berkeley enough
The tests say that I am mostly Scandinavian
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, perhaps Finnish and perhaps Laplander
That I know is real
The tests also reveals that I have lots of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh background – also true
The tests hint at Jewish ancestry also hinted in family lore
The surprises were that they missed most of my native ancestry
Apparently the lost tribe of the Cherokees are lost to the DNA data base as well
The test failed to recognize my substantial German heritage missing my German last name
The test also claimed that I have Italian and Southeast European ancestors
And the tests claim that I have Eastern European ancestry perhaps Russian
And the tests claim that like most people with Eastern European roots
I am part Mongolian thanks to Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun
The real surprise though is the African American that popped up
That is also consistent with my mother’s tangled history
the lost tribe of the Cherokees ran away into the hills
and mixed in with Scott Irish mountain farmers and runaway slaves
in the end the DNA tests neither confirmed
nor denied my family tangled history
leaving many questions behind
almost as enigmatic as a fortune cookie
or a astrological prediction