Trapped in an hourglass wandering through time,
Sands falling, sifting pieces through my mind.
Clinging, trying to climb out of this glass cage,
A downward spiral slide, a mindless war I wage.
No hold can I catch, though over and over I try,
Falling again and again, just want give up and cry.
Finally I sit, inside my strength has flown,
Twisting, twirling thoughts, and my fear has grown.
Erase this pain, set me free from this misty haze,
Release my soul from life’s twisted maze.
Flames. Burning fire feeding a soul long gone,
And I realize that I am trapped all alone.
Captive of time raging winds blow,
Though I try to climb, I am held below.
The glass slick I slide, no one to grab my hand,
The hourglass steadily pulls me into the sand.
© Cynthia Clark