I am not from here
I have travelled many miles to this place
Strange place
Strange odor
Queer air
Bugs and dung
Vines and twigs
Not forgetting, fleas.
What am I doing here?
Too many rocks and trees
In short, countless obstacles
My staff, shortened
Shortened by the weight of my support
The leather satchel is emptied
Of dried fruits and nuts
Grey hood of mine, heavy with mist and dust
Ached feet
Growling belly
Heavy eyelids, deprived from sleep
Knock knock rickety fingers upon the wooden door
None to answer
None to grant a wish
Warm bed, water to suit my feet…dream on.
Hot soup for my belly
Will this journey end?
But, ahead I must continue
I must reach the end
Answers surely lie there
Rest surely awaits
I am a passerby, stranger
Not from here
I seek my home
Aye may I find it soon.