Black Officer: Here you stand before me Clothed in the darkest white this world Has ever known. Robbed of your innocence Conditioned to hate the Color of skin yet, If called upon to come to Your aide, I would do so hoping that My kindness would Exemplify a love that Transcends small differences Such as the color of our skin. Child: I've placed my hand upon This shield, Though too young to understand I, Know that this barrier Between you and I has Become tangible I wasn't born to hate you but I hear repeatedly about how White is pure and good and You are not white I'm told that I, by nature, am superior Why is the world Presented to me Rich in hateful ideologies that Keep us from Removing this barrier Allowing love to prevail I do not know what Hate is but, I'm told that I Should hate you...

well written Tomas x
This photo aches my heart everytime I see it. Your words make it bearable.