Blind reddened, tearful eyes; mute mumbling lips,
Deafen Midas’ ears, remove caustic taste,
Dull the longing feeling of fingertips,
Make wild, gay abandon, and harried waste,
To this waking corpse, this saddened rev’nant,
Shrouded in ragged sheets of mortal cot;
My paltry bed chambers, my lone bastion,
Giver of solace during dire lament,
Grantor of crazéd dreams and wishful thoughts;
Protector from the riotous factions.
Nocturnal repose, e’er disturbed by day,
Renewed sorrow, unknown ‘morrow conveys.
A reluctant indolence I entreat,
This scared Io fleeing his gadfly peers,
In Morphean fancies, longs him retreat,
From their scourging tongues and derisive sneers,
I dread to slip from thy waning embrace,
Whence Aurora’s radiance bids me rise,
To rejoin, each morn’, with society,
To relive old suff’rings and long disgrace,
To gaze, by daylight, ‘pon Phobetor’s guise,
And wilt under dreadful anxiety!
My coy, feeble heart sinks with climbing sun,
Restored briefly when uncaring day’s done.
O, guide this weeping soul to blissful sleep,
Deep, deep, deeper into thy forlorn abode,
Either to thine castle or brother’s keep,
Sweep away life’s wanton worries and load,
Heaped on daily by uncouth neighbors,
Hearing few peeps and giving fewer figs,
Adding only steepness to my ‘cumbrance,
This creeping pain, these ne’er ending dolors,
Reaped constantly by these arrogant prigs;
The destroyers of my meek innocence.
O, honor thy suppliant’s humble wails,
And remove this dreamer’s troubling travails!
G. E. Hernandez