On World Poetry Day
Poetry is my refuge on cold wintry nights
The first light of dawn
The evening twilight that paints the sky
In hues of fiery coral.
As the glorious orb dips below the horizon
Poetry whispers in my ears.
In spring, the season of joy and abundance
When vibrant flowers bloom
Leaves flutter in the zephyr
Birds sing in the trees
Gentle showers soak the earth
Refreshing Mother Nature
Poetry hums a song of revival.
When storms rage in my life
And devastation and havoc follows
Poetry is the rainbow after the rains
Bringing in hope and solace
Like the warm comforting embrace of my mother
In whose arms I find peace and feel safe.
Poetry is my muse
That fuels my creative juice
It is my emotion
That sparks imagination
The friend in times of sorrow and joy
A ever constant companion
The music and rhythm
And my connection with the world.
©® Susmita Mukherjee