If I were a DVD movie, what pictures would you see?
On a widescreen plasma or a PS3.
Would I be put in my case for safe keeping?
Or would I be on the floor while you were sleeping?
If I were a DVD movie, would you allow me to spin?
To show you all the potential within.
Would I be blemished with your fingerprints?
Or would you keep my condition mint?
If I were a DVD movie, into the player I would slip.
And onto your emotions my contents would grip.
I purr away while unleashing my soul.
You just sit and eat your popcorn and I'll take control.
If I were a DVD movie, do you promise not to scratch my surface?
I want to be able to reflect your face.
To show the owner who chose to buy.
That my potential has a reason to try.
If I were a DVD movie, where would I be kept?
Proudly on display or in the cupboard's depths?
You place me neatly against a very worn tome.
I feel at place here, I feel at home.