Death and betrayal Baptized Escaped to the church Within the mute walls My soul screams But i keep silence Contemplating The glory of the lord Looking Looking for God In all the wrong places Medicine Theology Poetry In solitude and prayers Memories of betrayal Scent of death Banished me from home Toward the land of God I set my compass To find the truth I fell In sin I have sinned Baptized again In her arms Drowned She even gave me a new name But I escaped To the cave Where i washed myself clean Cleansed my soul Of the sweet sin Into the church again Looking for God in all wrong places The cold walls The cold hearts Rusty Faith Rusty blades That killed the beuaty That once i embraced Banished myself again Toward the land of God I carry on my journey But again I find myself in a church Again I toas myself into a woman's heart Again i sinned Again Stained Delirious For days last message that she sent I had to Delirious I spoke to the devil Or may be he spoke to me And I responded Write it down Heba Quit your small stanzas Write all your tale Those who writes never die And so i did In details I inked down every thing i remembered To set myself free I found God in the most unexpected place Deep within My heart Deep It emits the light That makes life bearable I carry on With no further notes I feel free
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