I admit we are not lovers forever
Never dream of we are not friends
But at some point, a flash back on shores
Encounter by chance , ever fortuitously crashed
To rewind the romantic tales, cherished once
Don’t you turn your eyes from me
Those unforgotten days might fade
But wear a smile on face ; to dust away
Those sad moments , met fatefully ever
Shall turn into delight moment for once
For all senseless mistakes made together
Might turn into a great ending , if not attached
Emotional strings , tied along in ambitious desires
I admit We are not Lovers forever
But never dream of --------- we are not friends!
@Priyanka S Raj (MAHI)
TWITTER : @mahipiyankaraj
#poetry #imprints #heart #love #feelings @Realistic Poetry
This is very interesting, the line "we are not lovers forever" predicts an end for the future while still living in the present. You can sense sadness but acceptance with the predicted fate. Thank you for sharing this poem with us!