Eye of truth
puzzling my shade precedes me and the sun is right before me devoid of rays nonsense a voice within commands me to follow my shade i have no idea how I followed it and I have no idea how come it precedes me while the sun's a mirror image of my shade and how it shrank until it became under my feet until I became a silhouette without a shade lightly hearted as a ghost light as the truth upon an open mind trusting the mysterious voice i followed blindely not seeing the sun focusing on my shade toward death i marched rendezvous with Satan I kept him waiting and when my shade disappeared saved by the bell saved by the sun saved by God the sun isn't real the shadow isn't real nothing was real but her eyes and as I poured tears from mine cleansed by regret repenting the moment i decleared my love to her it wasn't worth it to lose my mind nor to give away my heart over that cold hearted nymph neihter it was reasonable to expect her to keep it in one piece shattered with every true lie I have made sigh scream echoed in the 4 corners of earth the skyfall the devastation frustration of a torn soul a hole in my chest spilled ink on empty canvas makes the image whole again makes me wanted to experience again the euphoric sensation of that firs sip of wine of the first kiss the fear of rejection the winning setuation of us two mid thirties now I sea it clear as the sun nothing's real nothing's true and in my own bubble of pain I remain I can not complain I'm never eighteen again

Thank you for sharing! What a journey it was to read!