Daddy's Home
It's Father's turn to keep him, rest with him awhile,
Take away his burden and pain, hold him with a smile.
His journey in this life is over, his heavenly journey begins,
He can laugh, he can breathe now, his suffering is at an end.
Last week as I held his hand, I knew his strength was leaving,
I tried to tell myself he was alright, but it was me that I was deceiving.
He held on, put up a good fight against an enemy so strong,
But we all knew in our hearts It would not last long.
Close your eyes daddy, close your eyes and rest,
Walk upon those golden streets, release your burdens from your chest.
Let go daddy. Leave this world and your suffering behind.
Rest well daddy it is time for you to have peace of mind.
A gathering of Father's angels, so near him they stand,
Breath of life, his soul is now in Father's strong, steady hands.
His love will carry on, his memory in our thoughts,
Little things will remind us, of the battle that he fought.
Love you, Daddy,