I know the highway is fraught with danger especially late at night,
But ah such freedom I felt, as the city disappeared from the mirrors sight,
I had no knowledge of my destination, only knew that I must go,
Passing wheat fields, wild meadow flowers, familiar things that I know.
Loud my music, Bon Jovi, Poison, Def Leopard, and Twisted Sister,
Jamming out, Voice in tune, screeching to a halt... a twister.
I was tossed about, to and fro, none to gentle I might add,
Things were getting a might scary for me, things are looking very bad.
Oh, for hours it seemed, but perhaps only a few minutes that time stood still,
Shivering from fright, tears loosed, my cheeks, of adventure I have had my fill.
But though my wish it was to end this round of adventure once and for all,
It was not a chance to be for as my heart regained its life, my body took a fall.
Nothing did I hit, but a savage wind took hold, and threw me in the air,
And I flew, and I flew, and finally, on the ground hit my head now unaware.
Was it days later I awoke, or that day, the day before? I really did not know,
My pride was bruised, my body ached, my mind refused work, I just wanted to go.
But where to go? In fact, where was I? An old lonely dirt road nothing in sight,
No moon, nor stars, just quiet, a lonely quiet, only the shadows of darkness with night.
An eerie feel, bodies chill, the ache of a not knowing anything possible dread,
I shudder to think what could have gone before, can I maybe......no, I don’t think I am dead.
Look. In the distance he stood, looking straight ahead no variation,
And his appearance, young, maybe seventeen, and a uniform of a gas station.
I saw no vehicle, he only appeared so he could not have walked too far,
Tilting my head to the side, I watched, and of a sudden there appeared a car.
Shaking my head, thoughts rattling inside, the sense of it all, I could not find,
Even less when the car began to move and fast, I could hear the motor wind.
And then, a thunderous roar, but not a cloud in the sky, no, no must be a dream
Golden flames, searing heat, I could not near, agonizing moans, deathly screams.
I have no idea how long this lasted but of a sudden, an apparition flew free,
The car had disappeared, no more screams, no more pain, but he was looking at me.
And as he faded away, was a small cross and flowers arranged on the side of the road,
Each time I see flower memories on the roadside, I wonder of the life, and the travelers load.
© Cynthia Clark
Thank you, so much
Very nice...Scary... but nicely written