The little things remembered
when once I was a child
of using our imaginations
how we laughed and smiled
Waiting at the village green
for the school bus to come our way
no computers or mobiles seen
chalk boards, the order of the day
After all the chores were done
we played outside in all weather
go-karts, rounders or hide-n-seek
as long as our gang was together
Our pocket money seemed a lot
down the sweet shop with our friends
blackjacks and lemon sherbets
all stocked up for weekends
Sleep overs and picnics
or helping out on the farm
getting muddy or a cut knee
all was good, no need for alarm
It`s a shame it`s not like that now
kids seem to grow up too fast
they should hold on to their childhood
enjoy themselves and make it last

© Lissie Bull 2017
Totally agree!