Can you see it there? Standing in the darkness? Once accustomed To all small things Towards you running Once you worked out These couldn't kill you You returned attention To a giant Darkness hallowed Pass it's eye level Wishing you could Have jumped later Adjusting your parachute Landing edges Getting further As you drift closer Realising your gliding Brings you closer To the running things You've worked out Can't actually hurt you But that was only from reason When you estimated how dangerous You just opened parachute At the very least you were at first So far away Now the Standing Darkness Looks down as it's edges go smooth You are sure you see waving from top Of Darkness Standing Things are more noisy Getting closer away from Small and with more detail See their greater designs For tearing apart your bring
A final look to the Standing Darkness for an intervene help
The darkness that blended into rooftops as if sitting
Eventually the Sun began to be obscured shadows poured
Worst you cannot see where the dangerous things are?
Only know what they look like from a glimpse
Worked out in free fall descent
Before your fall
To casualty of the Standing Darkness
There had been stolen to order
Relics of tablets worth fortune
If you could translate the language
A secret history of the Standing Darkness
It wasn't about it's origins
The legend was those books were lost
But explained in depth the purpose Of ourselves and the Standing Darkness For all of achievements ours Behind or above us glaring down A towering of Darkness Standing The nation’s oldest broadcasting station Showed a film inspired
By the Darkness Standing
Famous stars as Military command
Firing every of their weapons
At strategic points
Up and down the Darkness Standing
Horror film companies
Greatest visual effects
Of watching rockets fired
Point blank range into darkness
And Generals not detecting
When the projectile explode
That beautiful framing shot
Of the entire movie adaptation cast
That was used for all the posters
ored into cliché by every Comedian broadcast That shot of cast attending the bridge Nervously waiting for an explosion So many guests felt let down at the changed end They made the Standing Darkness Seem to give blessing
return for the ceasefire Darkness continues standing And everything small pretending Will be in debt and grow around In complete acceptance their surrender All to the Standing Darkness Around them for life You haven't landed on the ground With luck the roof of a small house The emergency door leads to a staircase Down into no lights But perfectly assembled floors You still have your kit Use torchlight sparingly By now you've gone down the stairs And pushed the first door on your right Massive darkness little sunlight Windows and massive space And just one single hospital bed Outside the noises of things Remind the safety not appearing Reading from bed hospital chart A line decreasing rest of page in blood Make less noise on tip-toe Switch off lamination Crawl to floor across To bowl alongside cabinet Where you can barely see own hands But felt enough to reach Director's key, food and medical supplies If the sacrifice is no more light Then you accept silent resourcefulness Human mole Caused by Darkness Standing Over all on planet And things normal sized nosily Get quieter if you can see them When to clouds ascending You have kept yourself in spirit Fed, protected health But the only price was forgotten date All you know is eight long years You’ve mapped out the hospital The things sized killing outside locked At all times but you found a patch Of space of green earth That couldn't be reached Only from you inside You have forgotten our old life But Picnic’s in your garden square Makes up a good total for it At least it was until today Clothes drying you lay in underwear Looking up to Standing Darkness And then you saw dark shape Falling nearer You ran through doorway You heard a massive crash But remembered you had rebuilt your garden Upon returning to corpse you detect Opened and then returned military orders The same you had when given order to jump! But these orders have difference You are glad they seem to acknowledge yourself Quickly extinguish hopes for your rescue mission This soldier was ordered To land on Darkness Standing You cannot see the problem All the logistics make sense Clearly been improved But another unsuccessful To reach the Darkness Standing All you know is It's been another 12 years The hospital supplies no longer infinite Every day has been too used Until disintegrating All you need to know You've returned confidence And have returned To your hidden garden More insects and decay now Did not give corpse decent burial All the plant life in built Greenhouse Dead and withered away You can remember it was twenty Twenty years now But what date was yesterday? Suddenly from above Helicopter sound Lowered on a winch A future soldier Of your regiment It places rubber band Around your body And then lifts And the helicopter Pulls up Flies towards The Standing Darkness Mission control Come in mission control Over We have located The first survivor We are returning with it To the Standing Darkness You have been saved But as you turn to helicopter pilots “And CUT!!” Director yells Alarm bells Actors vulgar powers As cameras set back Three of the main cast storm off
With production only have got The publicity shot Of the cast in the war-bridge Watching the results of Missile firing On target of Darkness Standing
The British Film Magazine Journalist Conducts an interview with leading lady Who is not even required to be on the set today She's just visiting studios to make sure proper paid The journalist Admires the sunglasses She wears as they chat In the shade Of the Standing Darkness
Swallowing Sun Movie set lights Reflects in her eyes The Darkness Standing.

Nice write