Back in the day a boy would run away
Feeling very bold, he would head towards a dock, stow away in the hold.
After 5 days at sea and feeling very hungry he would show himself to the crew.
First he would get a beating then he would get some tea, finally he would be put to work out upon the sea.
The boy would become a man, sailing the seven Seas.
Eventually being given a boat that he has full command.
He and his crew would become very tight and have each others back should they get in a fight.
They set course on a map, no technology or Sat nav to send them on their way.
They used the Stars and Planets as their guide, using the Milky Way or Pluto and Saturn to chart the destination of their ride.
2 days now until they reach shore who knows what awaits them when their feet hit the ground.
Hard to tell what lies await what new vegetable or fruit will be their fate.
Will it be potatoes or tobacco this time, who will be around to tell them of it's name, is the island inhabited does it have a name?
Are the locals friendly will they offer food or will they be unfriendly and threaten to raid the boat.
Strip the Sailors of their food, their wordly possessions and their coat.
Tis for shore being a Sailor back in the day, was not fun it has to be said but definitely turned you from boy to man.
When you returned to your home land after many years at sea, it most likely seemed very foreign and even unfriendly.
The journey from boy to man to sailor now complete what is there left to do but sit back, get your pipe out, rest up your feet.
Thank you Donald
Thank you
Very visual I can conjure all the images in my mind.