Beauty is all around
It knows no limits or bounds
It is not hidden just waiting to be found
Beauty is all around
It shows itself by the sun in the sky
It shows itself in the colour of your eyes
Beauty is all around
It reveals itself in new blossom and blooms
It reveals itself in life new from new born lambs to a new born you
Beauty is all around
It displays itself like a rainbow in the sky
It displays itself with different people of every shape and size
Beauty is all around
It shouts about it loud and clear when the thunder rumbles and the lightning strikes
It shouts about it loud and clear when you see on TV a Lion chasing down his prey or a baby Tiger at play
Beauty is all around
It shows itself off with Blue SuperMoons and Solar Eclipses
It shows itself off Volcanoes, Mountains and Geysers
Beauty is all around, take a look and see what you found