Banana seats, sissy bars, and knobby tires.
Summer time and the Pomona hills once again on fire.
Life was fun when we were young,
Catching the summer rain on our tongues.
Banana seat, sissy bars, and knobby tires.
The Los Angelas County Fair, where we road all the rides for hours.
The smell of corn dogs and funnel cakes filled the air, we were kids without a care.
Those banana seats, sissy bars, and knobby tires.
They don't make bikes like that anymore.
We grabbed a frame, and extended the forks.
Sisy bars and large dirt tires of course.
Mom shouting out of the front door.
Time for dinner, the street lights come on.
Just in time for late night summer fun.
Hide and seek, kick the can.
And of course those bikes we built by hand, lying on the grass, waitng for us to ride them again.
With those banana seats, sissy bars and knobby tires.
What a wonderful life we had back then.
I doubt that any of us will ever have that again?
Thank you.
Terry, what a great poem about bicycle times, simplicity, and innocence, riding, dreaming of riding forever, before the cars leading to motorcycles dreaming of rides forever. 😀