Long ago in the land down under, I heard it rain, I heard it thunder.
The rain was fire, the rain was cold, the lightning hot, the people old.
Black as the night, with voices speaking wisdoms, seldom heard seldom listened.
Mathematical equations, scientific-values, knowledge of space, time, and satelite rings.
Who taught these people such scientific things?
It must have been Alien beings.
From outer space, is the current means.
How else could a backwards people of a black-race, know of such things as outer-space?
I remember 'Carl Sagan' saying the same thing of the Dogon Tribe, of the North African Race.
"Thay have no business knowing any of these things".
Of Sirius A, and Sirius B.
And rather strange alien beings.
But I just want to remind all of you now, that modern-man, is modern-man, regardless of thier race, or how long they have existed, the intelligence is still there, it is our technology that is new.
Black or white, red or yellow let's not get twisted in our view.
It seems scientists need to learn this knowledge too.
That the color of one’s skin defines only their geographical backgrounds.
Not their intelligence or IQ.
But then that’s just one artist’s point-of-view.
T.A. Dieringer.