Am I a monster
Because I can’t control when I’m up & when I’m down
Am I a monster because I’d rather choose to frown
Am I a monster because one minute I can run to the top of the mountain and the next I’m suffocating from debris from the ground
Am I a monster because your words uplift for a minute but the next I’m bound to forget it
Am I a monster because I can’t stop thinking bout the past hoping I could’ve made some those moments last
Am I a monster because I lie in bed reminiscing on things from way back when, but then I could organize my thoughts
Maybe even define my faults
But now they’re stuck
Stuck between what if’s
What if I would have said or done this and that
Would it be worth it to take it all back
In fact it’s best to leave it dormant because I’d rather not live with the torment
But I guess I rather be a monster instead