In a darkened hospital room With the soft beep of a monitor A hero lies on a bed Awaiting his final breath
His mind travels back to the beginning When he first traveled to boot camp A young snot-nosed kid Never venturing away from the safety of home
Scared out of his wits Wondering if he would ever survive The screaming, the endless running The sounds of the gunfire
10 weeks later, That scared little boy didnt exist In his place stood a soldier Ready to fight
And fight he did In the mud, in the snow In the heat, in the cold In the valleys, and in the hills
He fought until he couldn't fight anymore He received a million dollar wound He would be going back to the world He would be going back home
Over the years he served with pride He taught the things that he learned He watched the young ones Full of piss and vinegar
And he would say a small prayer
30 years of his life he gave And if he had it to do all over He would gladly suit up And go into harm's way
One more time
As he lays upon his bed As the memories fade away A smile graces his face And he takes his final breath
Rest in peace