https://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/story/3138/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-tar-sands-and-how-they-impact-you/ Image courtesy of Greenpeace.org
Humanity has intentionally or unintentionally caused extinction, permanently damaged and injured every animal, mammal, and amphibian occupying every microscopic hectare of land, the volume of water within forested canopies, lakes, desert landscapes, ocean shorelines, and the deepest oceans worldwide.

Ivory Billed Woodpecker declared extinct: extinct:https://a-z-animals.com/blog/22-animal-species-declared-extinct/?utm_source=google_webstory&utm_medium=google_webstory&utm_term=link_2&utm_campaign=post_265416&_gl=1*dc36r6*_ga*OEtsZlBlV182QU9fMDd2TXNZVzR0OWk0cWExM0l1VDR3Zm0wY0hmaDVHMmhJdHcxcE9QWU9JdlBodEQ0SFJnVg..
Nature is forever, as opposed to humanity's life span of fewer than one hundred years.
Mountains forged and erected before humanity named its peaks have witnessed sunrises, sunsets, glowing moons, and eclipses.
Trees growing more than one hundred years should be praised, never harvested, trunks and branches watching humanity walk past.

Image captured by the author. Okanogan - Wenatchee National Forest, Naches, Columbia River Basin, United States
Humanity's conveniences are directly connected to the harvests of natural resources without concern for replacing, repairing, or honoring nature's past.
Humanity's repeated attempts to imitate nature's smells, tastes, and flavors of every type never upset a natural world to seek revenge.
Nature only reacts to humanity's misuse of natural resources to depletion and extinction with water, in your basement, climbing up your steps upon your doorway, shrinking shorelines.
Nature reacts, but how will we, humanity respond or ignore the signs?
I love nature and spend most of my time outside, and as a steward of nature, I clean up when I see trash left by others.
I advocate for nature and against humanity's exploitation and extinction of its resources.
Nature is authentically organic, polluted by humanity, and is older than any religion, rotating daily upon its axis for our benefit to enjoy its beauty without paying any tithe.
Nature has never declared morality laws demanding what I should and should not do, so my spiritual reality is nature, who will never ask me to kill another human in its name.
Thank you for sharing this with us!