Hello fellow poets! Nice to meet you all, this might be a sort of odd social connection but I'd really like to be penfriends and exchange snail mail letters with someone. I've never been a big fan of the internet and if it weren't for selling books I'd probably disconnect completely but nonetheless if one of you wants to get a hold of me, here are a handful of my most popular social media profiles. Visit www.jamilamikhail.com to see the complete list or to send me an email directly!
P.S. Please tell me it's you from Realistic Poetry because I tend to be shy around strangers.

Gotcha, it worked today.
@Jena I don’t know how to reply to your comment on here, but I checked my website and everything works fine, so please try to resubmit the form
Tried to leave comment in form on your website contacts page, no cigar. I love postcards and writing and receiving handwritten letters as well.