I am a 67 year old romantic and realist.
I am also: an ex-soldier, husband, father, grandfather, godfather and great-grandfather with all I hold dear, either close at hand or easily accessible via the wonders of modern technology.
It is through this technology that I am able to share the intricacies of my demented mind. Please enjoy.
Some say we get the face we deserve by
the time we reach 40 - others the heart.
Here is a look into the depths of mine: https://www.colinclarkpoet.co.uk/
Also on Twitter: @moonhowler805
and email: colinclark805@gmail.com
Talk to me. I'd love to make friends in the poetry world.
Here is one of my earlier attempts at poetry-

Have you nursed a bird with a broken wing, Or comforted a friend as they were crying? Have you supported a cause until you were done, Or raised a child until they could run?
Then the hardest part, as you will know, Is the simple act of letting go. Of knowing that your job is done, And it’s time for them to fly or run.
But as hard as it is, you must agree, We did it all... to set them free: To release our bond of loving care, To throw that bird into the air,
Or push that child as far as can be and then turn our backs so they cannot see our tears of love-joy-pain and sadness, as they take their place in this world of madness.
Let go Let go Let go.
Hey partner. I think we may be Doppelgangers. I'm 63 and goatee'd as well. Nice to meet you. I'm David (aka thekowboypoet, dcl) and I can be found at the following places:
1) https://thekowboypoet.blogspot.com/
2) https://twitter.com/TheKowboyPoet