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Oh how wonderful it was,
That first lighted window to other worlds
Where we became gods to watch so many
Live and die their lives for us.
We saw wars and chores, bores and lies,
The brainwashed, the unwashed,
The knights of good in hoods or spurs or tights.
The assembly line moves on
Models living and made of steel or glass
Or composites made of things we can't define
Until it came a time
To look upon that wonderful thing
And label it outmoded, dull, a distant disappointment
To match the empty soul we made by doing nothing
But watch a flat world move
To shun
The three-D places behind that scary door.
Please make a donation today!
Oh how wonderful it was,
That first lighted window to other worlds
Where we became gods to watch so many
Live and die their lives for us.
We saw wars and chores, bores and lies,
The brainwashed, the unwashed,
The knights of good in hoods or spurs or tights.
The assembly line moves on
Models living and made of steel or glass
Or composites made of things we can't define
Until it came a time
To look upon that wonderful thing
And label it outmoded, dull, a distant disappointment
To match the empty soul we made by doing nothing
But watch a flat world move
To shun
The three-D places behind that scary door.